9 Reasons to not idolize productivity

on February 22, 2023

There is nothing more satisfying than checking things off a list—but at what expense?


🤍 The adrenaline of getting things done can cause you to compromise the quality in which you do them. What creates legacy and builds a strong foundation for growth? Excellence + care far over speed.


🤍 When someone asks, “How are you?”, do you answer in regards to your work or what your hands do? It’s easy to start to identify yourself with your job but God has made you to be SO much more. You are not what you do.


🤍 Work and laborious tasks will always fill the time that you allow it—if you don’t draw the boundary lines, you’ll become a slave to the very thing meant to give you freedom! Keeping a work/life balance makes you a more creative, effective, + passionate contributor.


🤍 How you approach one thing in your life often becomes your overall approach—if your faith feels stagnant or forced, remove the pressure. Jesus doesn’t need you to do things for Him; He just needs you to spend time with Him. All else is a result.


🤍 You don’t mean to seem frazzled or frustrated when people knock or interject—but because you feel pressed for time, they become one. When you realize that people are the POINT, your productivity gauge becomes Heaven-focused.


🤍 When your focus is what is getting accomplished, the journey gets tiresome and it becomes hard to persevere. Focus on the roots—when you yearn to create healthy + holy infrastructure, the garden of your life will reflect it.


🤍 How is your soul? Your closest relationships? Your prayer life? Survey those and ask Jesus how to slow down. It’s okay to realize that you’ve placed higher value than what you thought you did—pace is the Spirit’s specialty.


🤍 It’s easy to get frustrated that others aren’t showing up like you are when you’re measuring yourself by what you produce. This devalues you AND them. Remove the bitterness. Take a break. Value teamwork + appreciate what others do give.


🤍 All in all, your Heavenly Father will never prioritize the work of your hands over the transformation of your heart. Receive the rest He has given you. He desires that your work is joyful, not dreadful.

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