There was a really bad storm yesterday—it was so eerie; one of those that doesn’t last long but the sky makes you think it’s 10pm when it’s 2pm. The wind...
The future hurdle that you fear might pop up if you go down this path…The classroom that your kid has to walk into and face some of their anxieties…The part...
Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another chance to let His breath fill our lungs and breathe DEEP in gratitude—He is surrounding us on every side!We...
Sunday, you bring renewed strength and hope and perspective and JOY.We look out to the week ahead and instead of worry about tomorrow, we wonder with anticipation about tomorrow—how will...
Isn’t it wildly comforting and deeply helpful to know that no matter where you find yourself or how you got there, the goodness of God is working on your behalf?...
Your brain is reeling.Your insides feel restless.Sometimes, the thing that’s weighing on you is so glaringly obvious, it feels like a boulder you can’t see around.Other times, it’s this lingering...
The voice you let instruct you will always determine the narrative that writes your life.Sometimes, it’s subconscious, like an undercurrent that slowly pulls you in a direction, no matter your...
There’s something about physically applying the armor to each part of your body and asking the Holy Spirit to activate it.It can sound hokey, sure. Maybe cheesy. I don’t care.You...
Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another fresh beginning—new ground to receive, unearth, plant, steward, and harvest.Another chance to fully embrace the goodness of God—in His...