The goodness of the Lord is the foundation for your life—to be able to live for Him is His goodness already in action, inviting you into a bigger, grander, greater...
God—the Almighty, ever-present, gracious, kind, more than able Heavenly Father—He is here. His goodness is all around you. Have you taken inventory?🌟 PRIORITY: He will help you prioritize what matters...
Marinating on who God is and His ever-present character is medicine for an anxious soul and a hurting heart. It is evidence for a heart searching for clarity, hope, strength,...
Surveying this week—where have you seen God work? What obstacles has He moved and what hurdles has He helped you overcome? Where has He helped you pursue healing and operate...
Goodness is the air you breathe, the people you meet, the movement underneath your feet, and even the obstacles that come along the way. In everything, there is evidence of...