Does He withhold good?

on June 25, 2024


It’s little and doesn’t seem like a big deal.
You see someone on vacation and wonder why your family is still living paycheck to paycheck,
You watch a story of someone’s date night and slowly begin to question your own relationship,
You see a reel of someone’s beach week and by lunch, your mind has picked apart every part of your own body,
Your friend tells you about all her plans for the upcoming 5th birthday extravaganza and you feel covered in mom guilt,
You enter your work day excited to be there until you see yet another cookie cake for a party celebrating a promotion that isn’t yours,
You see?
It doesn’t require much for you to take some area of slice of your life or appearance or achievements or anything and feel like it’s less than.

In those moments, what you don’t realize is happening is that the monster of comparison is lurking and whispering to your soul, “Does God see you? Did you do enough? Look at what they have…look at how easy they have it…look at how pretty she is…aren’t you envious?”

But the wild thing about this is—Kingdom light is Kingdom light. Someone else walking in fulfillment will always propel your fruition, not hinder it! God would never align His will with something that hinders His people experiencing true joy and contentment.
However, that doesn’t mean that there won’t be moments where you’ll wonder if you’ve been overlooked…and when they come? Like a whisper to come back home, you rest in the shadow of His wings and remember the truth of His heart and there? You find rest. Your mind settles in the truth that your timeline looks different than others and that’s a blessing because of the One who holds time.

The question is not whether you’re enough or whether you deserve favor; favor can’t be earned. The question is whether you believe God is who He says He is? Does He withhold good from those who love Him? Can He really do anything all of a sudden? Is He truly good? And is He for you?

Recognize what’s making you compare.
Be ruthless about eliminating the source.
Recalibrate with the truth of God.
Ready yourself for the goodness ahead 💫

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