I am remdinded of my dearest gift—time.

on July 08, 2024


Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫
Another fresh slate, fully wiped clean from all yesterdays, purposefully crafted to welcome new and powerful possibility.
Another chance to enter into the fullness of the life He has gifted you with—a life that notices His presence, embraces His power, and counts on His provision in every place.

Jesus, thank You!!!
Thank You for the gift of time—for the brevity of it, reminding me to not wish it away or squander a moment wishing I was different or things were different, but to be fully where I am!
Yielding a heart of wisdom, I find deeper courage and greater passion for the bold things You have called me to.
Yielding a heart of wisdom, I find forgiveness necessary, even when my flesh wants to prove a point or my pride wants to take the wheel. Offense cannot linger where love longs to be known.
Yielding a heart of wisdom, diving deep into relationships and offering my vulnerable self feels like the only option—if intimacy is the goal and life is truly short, what are we waiting on?
Yielding a heart of wisdom, I stop searching for security and affirmation in hollow places because I’ve already found it in You.
Thank You, Jesus. Time is such a great teacher when I stop trying to control it and I learn to be a student of it.

Show me how to live in the pleasant boundary lines You have drawn for my life. I don’t want a single thing that isn’t of You and for You and honorable to You.
When my flesh cries out, calm my soul.
When my fears feel loud, quiet my heart.
When my thoughts seem scattered, still my mind.
When my feet feel shaky, steady my body.
When my heart feels excluded, comfort my soul.
When any part of the outside of me wants to decide what to do or what’s important or what takes precedent, redirect to the inside of who I am and help me lean into my God-given identity.

This week is a blessing.
This week is grounds for a miracle.
This week is a privilege.
This week is heavenly territory.
This week is a GIFT—open-handedly I will hold it, courageously I will walk it, and fully surrendered I will live it. Let it be so.

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