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Some days, the weight simply feels like too much.
The heaviness weighs on you like a boulder on your back that you genuinely can’t lift and your body expresses in exhaustion what your heart is crying out internally, “Lord! What do I do?”
Or the heartache of navigating a detour that you didn’t expect and certainly don’t prefer, leaving you asking, “God, what is next? Where does this lead?”
Or when tragedy strikes or circumstances loom or relationships feel strained—when life is just LIFE-ing, and you whisper hoping someone will hear you as you ask, “Will I be okay?”
While there are verses to warn us, experience to remind us, and wisdom that prepares us to know that life is hard, it still feels harder and heavier and more helpless in the midst of it. Some seasons more than others. And yet also—this underlying knowing that hope is still louder.
Like you don’t know what to do…but you know with open hands, God is sovereign and you can surrender.
And you don’t know where to go…and yet, you know He is leading you step by step by step…the unknown remains foreign but the sound of His voice grows so familiar.
And you don’t know where you’ll find the strength or the energy or the resources or the grace…and yet, you know the Holy Spirit’s supply is never-ending and you will be sustained.
Something is not wrong with you when you feel the tension of here and the heartache of life—it means you know you aren’t home and that life asks for endurance we don’t realize we have until we need it.
God will sustain you but be kind to yourself and patient with the process. Two things can be very true.
Yoking yourself to Him, each step will become lighter as the weight is released. And as miles are crossed, mountains are moved, and miracles come to pass, you will walk lighter too 🫶🏻
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