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Sunday is here and a new week is on the horizon—thank You, Jesus! We aren’t handicapped by the happenings of last week or paralyzed by the uncertainties of the weeks that will come; instead, we choose to embrace THIS week, day by day, moment by moment, embracing the blessing it brings.
This week, we will:
🤍 We will continually recalibrate and renew our posture, perspective, and pace, taking advantage of the truth that every moment presents the opportunity to begin again. Whether it be forgiving someone, resetting our mood, or walking into each situation with a refreshed filter, we will CHOOSE to stop, renew, and re-enter.
🤍 We will speak kindly to ourselves! Who are we letting determine how we talk to our mind, body, heart, and soul? If this voice isn’t founded in truth, what narrative are we writing? This week—it will be different! It will please God.
🤍 We will remember that overextending ourselves, either through overcommitting ourselves to others or tiring ourselves out because of unrealistic expectations, only leads to giving everyone a shorthand version of ourselves. What is our yes based on God’s yes? All else is a glorious no.
🤍 We will practice joy out loud!!! Whether it be declaring hope as we do the laundry or speaking life as we move our bodies or praying on the way to each obligation this week, we will sing a NEW SONG! God is in this place!
🤍 We will help wherever we can, whenever we can! Does someone need a prayer? A conversation of hope? A meal? We will open our hands + hearts and take the time to see others as Jesus sees. This blesses the whole world.
This week, we will remember that Heaven’s timeline is trustworthy + sure. We are spoken for.
We don’t have to understand to know that worship is in order 🤍
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