Thank about what you are thinking about

on November 26, 2024

Your mind is so powerful. Brilliant in nature. Created to experience the world through a lens completely unique to you. The way that your mind works is crafted by the Almighty Himself—the inner workings only known by the One who wired it.
And what did He say?
How many times in scripture does He mention it?
Over and over again, He says to “renew your mind.” Renew your mind in what is true, noble, holy, true, pure, helpful, strong, loving, wise, compassionate, tender, steadfast, honest, authentic, and Heavenly.
The One who formed the systems of which it operates and the boundary lines of its limitations and the possibilities of which it holds is only known by His hand.
He tells you to renew it because He knows that the thoughts you hold determine the responses you choose, the priorities you keep, the words that you say, the things that you do, and ultimately, the life you live.

The eyes are the visible receivers for where the mind is focusing—because where you’re looking, you’re learning, you’re leaning into, and you’re ultimately—LOVING. Regardless of whether it’s loving you back, it becomes the summation of your attention.

When you consume your mind with the character of God, the particulars of life recalibrate themselves. Not because everything becomes perfect, but because right priority provides protection from unhealthy thoughts, assures provision over future ones, + embraces contentment with the present ones.

Perfect example: The thanksgiving holiday.
What’s your thought life like? Are you expecting the patience of God to infiltrate, the kindness of God to be evident, + the joy of God to be near?
If something doesn’t look, sound, or taste like Jesus, go back to the root.
Let that question lead you.

Calling Him back into your thought process is actually just the awareness He’s been on the throne the whole time.
You never draw the Rock closer; you get closer to the Rock.
It sifts, saves, + satisfies your weary, scattered mind.

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