Episode 40: Live with courage

on June 14, 2021

What does it mean to really be brave with our lives? Many times, we see courage as doing this really BIG thing but in reality, we make the decision, moment to moment, "Will I be brave and trust God with my life?"

What might God be asking you to be courageous about in your life right now? What would that require of you?

We will never regret trusting the safety net of the character of God.

The NEW devotional book, "Radiate: 90 Devotions to Reflect the Heart of Jesus" is now available for pre-order on Amazon!

Follow along with the devotional for this podcast, "Focus: How One Word a Week will transform your life". You can find it here on the website or on Amazon Prime.

Monday Prayer can be found every Monday on @cleerelystated Instagram

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