9 reasons it's okay to say no:

on June 14, 2023
No can be hard. Maybe you struggle with people-pleasing, over-committing is your norm, or maybe you aren’t sure of how to?
Here are some reasons it’s GOOD to say no!
🤍 When someone asks you to show up, help, or to attend something, your honest response of no means that you desire to give them your best—and when that’s not possible—no is the most loving answer. It’s helpful for their expectations + yours.
🤍 What if the very things you’re praying for can’t be placed in your hands because they’re too full with things you said yes and maybe to? An expectant heart has available hands.
🤍 Sometimes even you don’t know why you need to say no—your body is just tired or your mind needs some margin—but if it protects your peace + honors God, it’s a great response.
🤍 Maybe you say yes too much because you don’t want to miss out on something or you think exhausting yourself for Jesus increases His love for you. But don’t you know—a posture of rest, solitude, + strength are His hopes for you. He can find someone else when you can’t.
🤍 Saying no will help you recalibrate your perspective, reestablish your pace, and restore your peace. This makes you most effective, aware, + discerning for His Kingdom work.
🤍 Every season calls for something different. Maybe you can’t sustain your old commitments or this one asks new things of you? Perfect! That’s expected. Recognizing your season brings great wisdom.
🤍 Relationships require intentionality—yes! However, when you’re afraid to say no to “lose your place” in a group, space, or whatever it may be, maybe it’s time to reassess that foundation. Be free + trust God with the people + places He calls you to, knowing there’s grace for your current capacity.
🤍 You may have to say no to something you really want to do—FOR NOW. Take heart—life often comes full circle. Not now doesn’t mean forever. Doesn’t your Father know best?
🤍 Sometimes your yes is your tendency to avoid the hard or uncomfortable. Say no—allow time to reassess, remove, replant, + refresh your life. It’s time.

No brings space for yes.
No reveals your priorities, protects your peace, + empowers your strength in the right places.
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