Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟

on May 22, 2023

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟
Another fresh start where the old is gone and the new has come!
Another week to walk with the Shepherd, trusting that we hear His voice, and experience the blessing of being covered + cared for by the One who misses nothing.
Another week to embrace + actually walk in the JOY that is offered through surrender.

Jesus, thank You.
We say we don’t want to waste a minute but Lord, we mean it. Help us. Show us how to live for an audience of One.
This strips the striving, removes the pressure, and simplifies the complicated.
YOU are it—the One we want to please, the voice that we trust, the worth that we cling to, the trust that we cling to, and the love that we receive.
Lead us in becoming really good at letting stuff GO.
Build us up in You so that we refuse the temptation to find our security + satisfaction in the affirmation of others, achievements, or stamps of approval.

Anchor us where we are.
Thank You for reminding us of the power of planting both feet in the present, trusting You with our future.
You lead us to GOOD ground. Stable ground. Holy ground. Ground that offers deep, intimate, + intentional stewarding. Ground that is protected and safe. Ground that is meant for hard work + discipline and is blessed by Your hand.
Ground that is being used for our good and Your glory.

Thank You for the hurdles + the hard moments.
We know our flesh will wish them away but our spirit longs to build our faith.
Broaden our perspective + deepen our awareness so that we recognize the opportunity to witness Your faithfulness.
Fortify our legs beneath us + sturdy our posture.
Increase our capacity + empower us through the Holy Spirit.
We aren’t worried or fearful or frustrated to be here; our hearts are filled with peace + expectation as we become more like You.
Chiseling the old…ushering in the new.

Your gentleness finds us + lifts our face.
Your power fortifies us + catalyzes our courage.
Your beauty encompasses us + assures us that You are everywhere.

Our inheritance is sure!
Our portion is secure!
Our spirit is safe!
Our hearts are satisfied in YOU!

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