When you think about the specifics of how the dots connect, the stars align, and the sun continues to rise, it’s overwhelming to comprehend. Our God is able, He is present, and His grace is why we’re here.
🌟The exact place you find yourself—the resources in your hands, the struggle it required to get here, the view that’s on the horizon—all of it. Your tool belt has everything you need for this step.
💫When disappointment comes—whether in the form of an unexpected problem, someone else’s actions, or an unanswered prayer, you get to reframe. With God, everything is a setup for Him to move.
🌟What energizes your spirit? You get to make time for that! Exercising? Reading? Getting coffee with a friend? Prioritize what you know will feed your heart + soul.
💫Just because something seems stressful or feels stressful doesn’t mean you have to remain stressed. You choose your own posture, demeanor, + countenance. Shift your perspective + remember who is leading you.
🌟God is generous with His wisdom. He loves nothing more than for His kids to seek Him for what to do + where to go + how to live. ASK. Expect Him to answer.
💫When other people shine, the world is brighter. There is plenty of room for everyone to grow; never worry that their progress will stunt your own. God is far bigger than that.
🌟Whether with a personal issue, a matter that seems over your head, or just in your daily journey, surrender is powerful + brave. Waving the white flag allows for intervention + victory; it’s the opposite of failure.
💫Whether it be with your spouse, your friend, or a leader in your life, the risks of being open, honest, + vulnerable are worth it. Depth is only achieved through risk. Live in the deep end.
🌟You don’t have to fear the path ahead; God knows what transitions will occur + what unexpected road closures the forecast may bring. His ways are always greater.
💫The most important work you will ever do is changing the thought patterns you allow. It’s hard, takes time, and forces you to look inward. But it’s the greatest way to be fruitful on the outside.
GOODNESS is who He is! Hallelujah 🤍