God is patient with your forgetfulness

on August 16, 2024


You’re about to have a GOOD day! Why? Because the One who controls all things is the same One who cares for you and His gifts are life and life abundantly—here and forever.

🌟 God knows you will forget His goodness frequently—that’s why He gave you the Holy Spirit, wrote the pages of scripture, and covers you with grace. How kind that He take it personally + give up!

🌟 Because He’s over your tomorrow and your next week + every day thereafter, you can discipline yourself in the present. Your gift to Him is staying in the timeframe of today.

🌟 Just because you don’t always want to do them doesn’t mean you weren’t created for it; hard things require the unison of you + your Maker and that’s your sweet spot!

🌟 Jesus always goes after the one sheep. You could never run too far away from home that His arms won’t be open upon your return. He came for the lost, the sick, and the abandoned—always pursuing, always loving.

🌟 When your priorities are aligned with Kingdom order, you will experience peace beyond understanding. When your life is clear about what matters, decisions become easier and the outcome has nothing to do with your obedience to the call.

🌟 When you look back, don’t you see that God was using it? All of it? The same is true for this season. He’s pruning what must fall off, preparing what must be planted, and positioning you for His highest + best.

🌟 Contentment is your secret weapon and you get to choose it in every circumstance!!! In fact, when you decide to practice contentment, even when things aren’t as you prefer, you understand what true contentment means.

🌟 The ways of God aren’t meant to be understood; the heart of God is meant to be worshiped. He connects dots in miraculous ways, pulling resources, power, and strength from places you don’t even know exist.

🌟 Your identity + inheritance have been sealed since before you ever came to be. This means you get to operate freely, joyfully, and confidently in Him. Nothing to prove, everything to gain!

🌟 You can talk to Jesus about anything and everything—He already knows it all anyway! When you begin to truly “do life with Jesus” you find life there, too 🤍

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