I get to experience another day sustained by Your grace

on March 04, 2024

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟
Another opportunity to witness the Lord be exactly who He says He is—through interactions and obstacles and conversations and in ALL THINGS.

Jesus, thank You.
Thank You for being my strong foundation in EVERY situation, struggle, and specific. Even when the storms rage, Your sovereignty and security is my safe place—it is the reason I can walk in peace, no matter the weather forecasted ahead.
How comforting to know that You are never surprised.
How wonderful to know that You are never scared.
How refreshing to know that You are never stressed.
You control all things and because of this? All things work together for my good and Your glory.

As I operate and choose and be today, help me point to You. Because You live in me, I can have supernatural patience and compassion, even when it’s not reciprocated or deserved. You help me see others through Your eyes and in turn, myself. Thank You for stripping my filter of judgement and removing my shame—both are time wasted when You are the holder of all and the cleanser of souls.

The truth of what lasts and what doesn’t gives me courage to release what isn’t important. It helps me hold things loosely and invest generously. It reminds me to forgive quickly and show up consistently. It encourages me to value relationships above all things tangible and be available to serve wherever possible. It strips the pressure to build a reputation and catalyzes my desire to grow Your Kingdom.

I’m grateful.
I’m loved.
I’m safe.
Because of You, I know deep peace and true joy because I am held by You.

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