Speak this over your week:

on July 02, 2023

Sunday—a day of reset, renewal, and refreshment.
And on this day, where so many of us are gathering, we are tempted to dread the long weekend soon ending—but instead? We get to look ahead and rejoice knowing:

🤍 We will offer a different headline to our own hearts and the watching world, proclaiming hope amidst the brokenness and opening our eyes to what God is doing. The future of our country is bright when we realize who is on the throne and the difference it can make when faith-filled people lift their heads and their voice.

🤍 We will remember that the freedom to go and be and ask and serve and show up and celebrate is not automatic; it is possible because of the sacrifice of others. Sometimes when we step back and understand that our very living is a gift, we command our attention to the present as humility overwhelms our soul.

🤍 We will trust God with each step we take, one step at a time. There is no one who wants us to excel and propel forward walking in His will than Him. When we need strength, tenacity, or wisdom? He will supply it. We often don’t realize we will have what we need until we look back and see He provided it—let that encourage us.

🤍 We will continually—with every conversation, every post, and with every action—ask the Lord—“Will You give me discernment?” It is possible to stand firm in truth, no matter the topic, and still walk in grace. Jesus personified both and His strength + gentleness was always present.

🤍 We will celebrate knowing that wherever the week leads us, The Name above every Name will be with us. He is for our lives. So we can set down our fear, hand Him our worry, and lay down what’s keeping us—He will handle all the weight and usher us into spacious + holy ground.

A new week is a blessing.
How we enter it determines so much about how we steward it.
God is in this place 🤍

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