Speak this over your week:

on February 05, 2023

Sunday is here and we feel the pressure start to mount on our shoulders as we think through the week ahead…but then we stop, take a step back, sit with the One holding the world, and silence the worry.
Turns out, the pressure is on His shoulders.
Finding our deep breath, we declare:
🤍We will wake up and vocalize specific things that we are grateful for—the little + the big—and praise God out loud. Hearing the blessings helps us recall His faithfulness + remember His heart. WORSHIP will help us start strong.

🤍We will let the movement of our bodies and the stillness of our minds awaken our souls—ceasing our striving + sitting with Jesus, we will just enjoy being His. This will fill us with GRATITUDE.

🤍We will release our pride and realize the power of forgiveness, both giving it + receiving it. With less words and more listening, we will find more compassion + awareness of those around us. HUMILITY will be our secret weapon.

🤍We will let the peace of the Holy Spirit determine our pace and be people driven by our priorities rather than the pressure of culture around us. We will operate with discernment of what’s truly important, always walking in WISDOM.

🤍We will be bold, consistent, and available in all that we do and say to move the Kingdom forward. When opposition strikes, uncertainty rises, or fear knocks, we will be people marked by COURAGE, whatever it takes.

This week, our hope will be obvious.
By the faith we walk in,
The honor we extend,
The gentleness we give,
The gratitude we voice,
The kindness we hold,
And the love we have.

A new week is here…a gift 🤍

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