Take a pause.

on August 29, 2024

I was thinking about a few different people I know and why I admire how they live and operate…what about their lives feels different and important? Is there something they do - or don’t do—that allows them to be more present, give more, or more fully embrace their God-given assignment?

My answer surprised me. I suppose I had noticed the fruit of their lives and their cadence while stewarding it but never really broken it down…until now.

And you know what it was that really spoke to me? That stood out amidst all the others?
Their willingness to PAUSE.
Their commitment to ASSESS.
Their attention to the ROOTS.
Their focus on HEALTH.
Their deep asking + awareness of, “Does this look like Jesus?” Above “Does this appear to look like Jesus?”.
Their devotion to honor above results, pace above productivity, and priority above perceived reward.
It is obvious that they aren’t confused about the fact that it is God who makes things grow—and that while they could do a lot, if it’s not the right thing at the right time, it is effort attached to striving instead of founded in grace. They are people that know that the “more” they are after is not the harvest above the ground, but the presence of the One who cultivates life.

The reason why their pauses and their breaks and their slowing down is such an example is because it is so countercultural—because when someone could keep pressing the gas but has entrusted their pace to the One who built them, longevity + peace are the result.
It’s contagious. And dependable. And it feels safe amidst the racing routines of life.
Because the older you get + the more life you live, the more you realize that you’re searching for your soul to feel settled and the only way that’s possible is to slow down and listen to love guide the way.

Your hands are helpful but God can do ANYTHING without you ever touching it.
Maybe—just maybe—it is the removal of your hands and the stopping to listen that He gets to work a miracle before your eyes.

Trust is revealed most by what you will release—not by what you will hold.

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