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The Giver of every good and perfect and wonderful and true gift—He is FOR you! Your heart is His priority! How amazing is that!
🌟 The armor of God isn’t bulky or ill-fitting on you; it’s custom-made to tailor fit you for battle. Put it on—God’s got you the whole way.
🌟 Audacious, big, “sun, stand still” prayers are within your grasp! The only thing keeping you from praying + God hearing these prayers is your belief that He hears them.
🌟 The will of God is every protective measure, the source of life, and the greatest plan that’ll ever unfold. That—you can trust.
🌟 When you prioritize healing above advancement, achievement, or acquisition, He honors it from the inside out. It’s worth it in every scenario.
🌟 You have permission to grieve what just happened or what happened years ago; letting your heart feel it is the necessary step to letting God hold it + hold you.
🌟 Your emotions—ALL of them—are a welcome gift to Your father. When you entrust what’s hard, heavy, + hurting, your trust is evident.
🌟 A heart of peace is a warm, contagious, life-giving gift to everyone who encounters you. It is so foreign to the world; fight for that + walk in it.
🌟 Nothing exists without God. The invisible makes way for the visible. It’s impossible to “compartmentalize” or separate God from the creation He has made.
🌟 In every season, both planned + unexpected, refreshment + rest are possible. The presence of Jesus ensures both and He never leaves.
🌟 Heavenly joy—the kind that infiltrates your soul + helps you see ABOVE your circumstances—it’s possible right where you are. Cling to it! Rehearse His promises + know He is faithful to deliver. His presence IS the gold.
God is IN THE ROOM! Soak that’s everything in this life 🌟
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