You can sit at the feet of Jesus at any moment

on January 24, 2025

Father, Your goodness is so overwhelming 😭
You forgive and You strengthen and You redeem and You lead and You love without hesitation or condition. We will never get over it every moment that we live.

⭐️ A church service isn’t needed. A crazy extravagant happening isn’t needed. The invitation is already there; the altar is open. Will you go?

⭐️ It is the best news ever to know that you can’t escape the grip of God. He is NEVER going to let you go; His hands are the safest refuge.

⭐️ Your soul craves deep, true, honest, + lasting relationship. That is the friendship Jesus offers. How miraculous that He is yours!

⭐️ The agenda of the Shepherd is beyond what you can dream up, predict, or even choose based on what you know—it is SO much better. Release what’s in your hand.

⭐️ The struggle is hard. Weighty. Though you want ease, you were made to be refined. Your emotional agility is increasing—this is GOOD!

⭐️ It’s okay—and so normal—if your heart aches for what used to be. Maybe it was a relationship, a circumstance, or just particulars that felt more comfortable…grieve them. It doesn’t take away from the truth that God is doing something new.

⭐️ His well is endless. A bubbling, overflowing, ever-present spring. It is always offering nourishment—LIVING WATER—that provides what the world cannot.

⭐️ Today—wherever you are—you will witness the power of God. You will see His hand move, His people respond, + His spirit intercede—look for it!

⭐️ The weight of what happens—it is HEAVY—and it isn’t on you. The pressure is on the Plan-Maker + Promise-Keeper’s shoulders. Stop taking responsibility for it.

⭐️ Behold—breathe DEEP—Heaven is on your side. Hallelujah! Lift your head + anticipate God. Beholding Him brings purpose, clarity, + HOPE.

Goodness…the aroma of His presence softening + healing every space 🤍

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