Your presence is everywhere and Your kindness is everlasting

on July 01, 2024


Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫
Another new beginning and fresh slate that has never happened before—however we arrived here, we can trust that God is handling what we can’t and forging new paths of strength + light.
This week is FULL of possibility!

Jesus, thank You.
Thank You, thank You, thank You for meeting us right where we are and speaking life into the deepest parts of our heart—it is the truth that reframes our perspective and repositions us to be empowered!
Even if we are in the middle of something hard or processing something we’d rather avoid, we see Your hand at work and it is beautiful!
Your favor rests on us and Your provision guides us and even when the storms rage, Your protection is sovereign + sweet.
Thank You for helping us to be less shocked by opposition so that we can remove the personal filters and recognize the battle going on for our souls. Though it is urgent, it is not something to panic over or succumb to overwhelm—it is ALL in Your hands!

As we operate and make decisions and interact with others, would you help us strip the pretense and the placating and replace it with a pure, unfiltered existence? Remove the perfectionism mentality that paralyzes us and remind us that You have already covered the gap.
When we feel as though we lack or we are little in some area, lead us to the truth that You formed us, equipped us, and spoke over us, “This is very good.”
In a culture obsessed with curation and image, help us be people who focus on the inside of our cup—THAT is where functionality, faith, and fulfillment are made possible.

Thank you for dealing with ALL of us.
Every emotion is welcome,
Every thought is important to sort through,
Every prayer is heard,
Every concern is prioritized,
And every utterance we don’t know how to mention is already on Your radar.
We promise to stop trying to fix ourselves and instead, we fixate on You. We consume ourselves in Your love and then, we live out of that place.

You’re a good, good Father. Help us live from a place of rest, not living for it.
You’re always the good treasure we are after—and to think, You are already with us!!!!

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