A grateful heart will protect you today.

on August 18, 2023

His goodness overflows—it’s the river of kindness that runs through your life, seeping into every area you encounter. It’s who He is! 🤍

🌟 Gratitude is the protective measure that keeps you grounded, anchors you in a Heavenly perspective, + fights for your contentment.

🌟 In every season, amidst every struggle—when you’re worn out, weary, and ready to hang it up, God will help you dig deep + discover the joy of your salvation. Always available.

🌟 You were designed to KEEP GOING. It’s part of the fabric of who you are. When your mindset of comfort convinces you that you can’t handle the difficulty, remind it that the Holy Spirit is never drained or discouraged.

🌟 You get to invest in friendships + relationships that realize the treasure that you are, the gifts that you bring, and remind you of your identity in Christ. This changes your circle.

🌟 What is winning? Not retaliation or proving a point or making others see your pain—but staying soft. The refusal to let your heart become hard means you win.

🌟 In every space you enter + inhabit, you get to have a teachable spirit, helping your eyes remain open to all that God is doing. Mission-oriented, not letting offense of pride take the wheel, you’ll go far.

🌟 The Holy Spirit will help you see the root of your pain + hardship—this allows for true, deep healing. Everything else is temporary.

🌟 Having a peaceful heart is a game-changer for how you operate, and therefore, how others receive your affection, hear your words, + work with you. It’s a gift to you + them.

🌟 Anger? Bitterness? Jealousy? Frustration? Impatience? Fear? Jesus will help you work it out. You will not sort through anything alone.

🌟 SO 👏🏻 MUCH 👏🏻 GOODNESS 👏🏻 AHEAD! Eyes open—don’t miss what God is doing!

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