His mercies are new every morning. And they're for you.

on April 05, 2024

Good is who He is and goodness is what He gives—it’s all around you, paved for you, watching after you, protecting you, and illuminating the way forward for you.
Do you see it? ⭐️

⭐️ New mercy comes with every sunrise. It’s specific and it’s for you. This truth is like a deep breath and a bottle of cold water, washing away what was + bringing hope for today.

🌟 Where you are—right there, exactly—God is moving in THAT place. Not where you wish you were or where others told you that you should be but where your feet are. Look for His hand.

⭐️ The Holy Spirit is the wonderful counselor and big, hard, confusing, wonderful, or unexpected emotions are His specialty. Bring all of it to Him—don’t try to unravel the cords before you bring it to His feet. He will guide you.

🌟 God will never create distance between you and Him. His greatest desire is intimacy with His people—it’s the purpose of the cross, to close the gap for eternity. Remember His nearness.

⭐️ You get to bring BOLD, crazy feeling, significant, and faith-filled prayers to the throne. They please God!!!!!! Nothing is too hard for Him. Ask + get ready to be in awe.

🌟 The miracle is not just the result at the end but the process required to get there. In fact, many times, the in-between is the greatest of all, continually sanctifying + solidifying your foundation as you walk.

⭐️ Discomfort asks you to trust who is holding you more than how well you feel like you can handle something. It requires release + welcomes dependence. It’s the tension that brings growth. And as you say yes to it, unrealized strength is discovered.

🌟 Your pain points—no matter how long they’ve been there or how deep they cut—they can become places of healing AND shade for others in the wilderness. Work them out with Jesus. It’s worth the wrestle.

⭐️ ANYTHING deposited in Heaven can never be taken away. The longer you live, the more you realize that it’s what you give that you actually keep.

🌟 Who you’re becoming is the most important thing about your journey—and guess what? You get to decide all along the way. In every circumstance, you get to choose to be like Jesus. It’s the way of life.

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