Daily Devotion filter by joy

I want for nothing.

I want for nothing.

We adjusted his wheels and strapped him in but before we could hardly say anything, he was OFF!Barreling down the hallway of the retirement home, he could see and hear...
on July 24, 2024
Lift your hands

Lift your hands

The sun was out and we had all been cooped up with the stomach bug so the first chance we got, we hit the pavement.Sledge started shaking his body +...
on May 21, 2024
What inspires your joy?

What inspires your joy?

They say it’s the little things. And the longer you live and the more people you meet and the more things you accomplish, you realize it is absolutely true. While...
on December 28, 2023
9 things to celebrate today:

9 things to celebrate today:

Don’t wait for something big to happen—choose to let today be a day of celebration + delight because of these truths:   🤍 You’ve made traction! Progress! You’ve taken steps!...
on July 26, 2023
God is up to something.

God is up to something.

What if your mood wasn’t based on the situation you find yourself in?What if your countenance wasn’t based on the shifting posture of those around you?What if your attitude didn’t...
on March 21, 2023
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