Daily Devotion filter by focus

10 ways to be effective today:

10 ways to be effective today:

What does it mean to be effective?Is it based on what’s impressive? Calculated? Visible to others? Rewarded by society?Effectiveness in the Kingdom is a whole other scale. It considers the...
on January 10, 2024
Your perspective is crucial

Your perspective is crucial

It begins the moment you get up and happens a million times over again—as you live and do and be and decide and jump and go and rest, you inherently...
on October 17, 2023
Focus isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.

Focus isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.

I KNOW—there’s too much going on to do this, right? If you don’t constantly multitask, you can’t possibly get it all done and the list is long!But have you ever...
on June 01, 2023
A new way to FOCUS. Coming June 6th.

A new way to FOCUS. Coming June 6th.

Good intentions.We all have them, right? Hoping that our good intentions to be better about our quiet time, prioritize things differently, pray instead of talking about prayer, or actually use...
on May 16, 2023
Comparison will make you feel small

Comparison will make you feel small

When you’ve had your hand to the plow and your reality feels mundane,When you’ve been persevering through a season when your efforts feel unseen,When you wonder if you’re really utilizing...
on March 23, 2023
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