Daily Devotion filter by present

Stay in today.

Stay in today.

Several things are true about tomorrow:1. You have no control over it2. The hypotheticals you’re imagining might never happen3. Most things actually don’t shake out how you predict4. God’s ways...
on March 19, 2024
Slow down.

Slow down.

Hey—how fast are you going? I know, you have things to do + places to be and there aren’t enough hours in the day.You feel frustrated by the internal tug-of-war...
on February 28, 2024
You're not at a deficit.

You're not at a deficit.

I was having a conversation with a friend and we were both joking (sorta) about already missing the mark with one of the rhythms we both are working to implement...
on January 03, 2024
Love is the key to Christmas magic.

Love is the key to Christmas magic.

You have heard it a million times over—the truth that the thing others remember about being with you is how you made them feel.And yet—you and me and all of...
on December 20, 2023
His plans are better than your own

His plans are better than your own

There are many things that are different about all our stories.The places we’ve traveled, the people interwoven throughout our story, the problems we have to navigate, and the particulars we...
on November 13, 2023
Right here, right now. This is good ground.

Right here, right now. This is good ground.

It’s human nature to have expectations.Expectations of how something will go,How the details will line up,Who will show up for you,What will be required,What you’ll have to release to hold...
on September 21, 2023
Plan for this today:

Plan for this today:

There will be much you do not know about the road ahead—though you’ve made plans, any moment past the current is uncertain.But what you do know?What can you absolutely plan...
on June 06, 2023
Stay in today.

Stay in today.

Several things are true about tomorrow:1. You have no control over it2. The hypotheticals you’re imagining might never happen3. Most things actually don’t shake out how you predict4. God’s ways...
on February 28, 2023
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