Like water that’s everywhere and in-between, impossible to not touch every crevice it encounters—such is the goodness of God 🌟🌟 Feeling like you aren’t sure how to dream anymore? Or...
You didn’t mean to do it…it was just there—readily available + such a “normal” thing to pick up—that burden that you know He asked you to set down but you...
If we have learned anything these past few years, it is that life is full of uncertainty. And that uncertainty can be really, really hard.BUT because God IS certain, we...
I felt this so heavy on my chest this morning—knowing it was for me and for you and for us. Feeling the weight of importance that we are reminded: HE...
A Sunday well spent—rooted in truth and planted in the eternal perspective of Heaven—brings a week of content.What do you have going on this week? What is worrying you? Let’s...
How is it that His goodness keeps chasing us, pursuing us, and meeting us exactly where we are!? It’s the greatest mystery we will ever know🌟🌟 "Mighty warrior” is what...
It’s human nature to have expectations.Expectations of how something will go,How the details will line up,Who will show up for you,What will be required,What you’ll have to release to hold...
Feelings are good. Healthy. Important. Human. Necessary. However, they aren’t reliable in the driver’s seat of your life. So…how for you make sure they don’t take over? 🤍 Many...