Is it possible to enter any day, any season, any circumstance, any conversation, or any instance in life and remain at peace within you?Is it possible to be in the...
I don’t think we even realize we are doing it…it’s kinda this subconscious tug to conform or question of belonging…i imagine it like this—hang with me for a second—as if...
Maybe you’re in the middle of a battle you thought would’ve ended a long time ago,Maybe you’re still navigating a season you prayed to be over,Maybe you’re in the thick...
Have you noticed how you tend to think of the help that God offers as more “ethereal”? Or that maybe it’s not as practical as help you would get from...
There will be much you do not know about the road ahead—though you’ve made plans, any moment past the current is uncertain.But what you do know?What can you absolutely plan...
When you know you can count on something, especially amidst the uncertainty of what lies ahead and the fickle tendencies around you, it provides security + peace.🤍 The Holy Spirit...
As you go and as you return,As you walk into new seasons,As you transition from one thing to another,As you enter into conversations and interactions with those around you,As you...
Hey you…Wherever you find yourself,Whatever is in your bag for the day ahead,However your journey is looking right now,Whatever it is that you find yourself searching for, needing, crying out...